About Fathers Rights Attorney Orlando
Clients often search online to find a Fathers Rights Attorney in Orlando hoping to find out about dads rights in Florida. An unmarried father’s parental rights are not always as clear as people think. If you need to consult with a paternity attorney in Orlando, call us at 407-335-8113. We offer a free phone consultation for new clients to help us understand your case and let you know how we may help fathers seeking parental rights. The fact is that in Florida, when a child is born to two parents that are not married to each other, the mother of the child has more custodial / timesharing rights over the child than the father. Call the Jacobs Law Firm, Orlando fathers rights attorney, today to speak with a paternity attorney today. Fight to secure your rights because they are not automatically conferred. A fathers rights attorney in Orlando will likely advise you that dads’ rights in Florida are extremely limited until a family law circuit court has ruled you...