Having Trouble Paying Child Support
During tough economic times, you might have trouble paying child support. You may be facing financial hardship and don’t know what to do. Some strains include mounting expenses, a job loss, or a pay cut. Even if you’re collecting unemployment, you might be falling behind on bills. Another difficult situation can be a medical condition or disability. Various reasons can create an inability to pay child support. If you can’t pay the total amount due, you have to take action. Ignoring the problem may make things worse. Jacobs Law Firm of Orlando, FL, can give you a rundown on child support payments. Jacobs is a family law attorney who handles these types of cases. A sensible solution is to file for a child support modification. You ask the Florida courts to change the amount or suspend payments. You want to petition for child support modification in a timely manner. Filing these documents early on prevents financial hardship. Not paying in full or completely st...