
Showing posts from March, 2022

Can Alimony be Reduced in Florida?

Alimony or spousal support can be You want to hire a lawyer to reduce your alimony because it can be a complicated process. Spousal support ordered as part of a divorce settlement can be modified. Attorneys file a Supplemental Petition for Modification of Alimony in the Florida courts. You need to show substantial changes in your circumstances. Jacobs Law Firm, an alimony attorney in Orlando, will briefly discuss the process.   Florida has several types of alimony, and two are not subject to modification. Lump-sum or one-time payments can’t be reduced. Bridge-the-gap alimony provides temporary financial relief and can’t be modified. This type of spousal support has a set date when payments end and can’t extend beyond two years in Florida. Also, divorce decrees stating “non-modifiable alimony” can’t be altered. Jacobs Law Firm in Orlando can evaluate your case and explain the types of spousal support. Our attorneys can see if you qualify for alimony modification or termination. ...

What is the Average Amount of Alimony in Florida?

In some divorce cases, one partner may ask for alimony because they might need financial help. The courts determine how much should be paid and for how long. A judge looks at the needs of the spouse seeking support and the ability of the ex-spouse to pay. Therefore, the average amount of alimony in Florida varies. Divorce settlements are based on other factors, including the length of the marriage. Jacobs Law Firm, an alimony attorney in Orlando, FL, will go over the basics.   Knowing how Florida alimony is calculated helps you prepare financially. The amount of spousal support payments and the duration lets you know what to expect. A general outline of an alimony calculator uses this formula: 30% of the paying spouse’s gross income – 20% of the receiving partner’s income = alimony. Unfortunately, that formula does not contain any of the unique facts of your case and does not truly provide an accurate number based on the evidence you will present to the court. Our Orlando, FL a...