
Showing posts from June, 2022

Using Collaborative Law for Pre and Post-Nuptial Agreements in Florida

Florida has collaborative laws for parties to resolve issues regarding family differences. Commonly used in divorces, the process also has other applications. The goal is to reach an agreement civilly without going to court. Licensed collaborative attorneys meet the criteria set forth by the Florida Supreme Court. In addition to divorces, the process covers paternity, child custody, and support cases. Collaborative law is also used for finalizing pre and post-nuptial agreements. Jacobs Law Firm, an Orlando divorce attorney, drafts and writes marital arrangements. We’ll briefly explain how the collaborative process works for pre or postnups in Florida. Having a plan to divide property and assets benefits both partners before marriage. Many people have a misconception about pre-nuptial agreements. While in a relationship, bringing up this topic may create a fear of divorce. Unlike other states, Florida isn’t a community property state. Marital property, debts, retirement funds, and ass...

Florida Collaborative Law : Jacobs Law Firm

Florida has collaborative law may protect privacy in legal proceedings, including divorces. All parties, including the spouses, attorneys, and others involved, sign a collaborative participation agreement. Florida equitably splits marital property, but sometimes couples disagree. For partners seeking confidentiality, collaborative divorces are often the best route to take. These cases are settled outside of court and don’t go on public record. Although the divorce is contested, the conflicts and final resolution remain private. Each spouse has their own collaborative attorney to resolve the differences. Florida is a no-fault divorce state; therefore, settlements are equitable. Both parties work amicably towards a settlement. Jacobs Law Firm is a collaborative divorce attorney in Orlando, FL. Our office can evaluate your case and explain more about the process. The Florida State Supreme Court licenses attorneys who practice collaborative law. To ensure adequate representation of clien...