
Showing posts from April, 2023

Should you get an Uncontested Divorce in Florida?

  Having an Uncontested Divorce is a great option for spouses who wish to end their marriages without going through the complications of a normal divorce, in which some (or many) terms of the separation are contested. However, as great as it can be, it definitely isn’t for everybody, as many factors will influence whether it is a good option or not, which is why in this article, we’ll answer a few questions as to why you should (or shouldn’t) pursue the uncontested route. How much does the Uncontested Divorce Cost? Generally, if you work with a Lawyer, you can expect it to cost somewhere between $1,500 and $5,000. Other factors will influence the cost, such as: ·          Whether you and your spouse need mediation to help come to an agreement.   ·          Whether a Lawyer is hired or not.   ·  ...

Alimony in Florida: can it be modified?

Alimony is a maintenance payment that one spouse has to give the other spouse during or after a divorce proceeding to ensure that similar standards of living to those during the marriage are still maintained afterward. There is no exact formula to calculate the type, amount, or length of the alimony, and instead, the judge will study each case differently, based on various elements of judgment. The elements and circumstances that the court considers in other to award alimony may change over time, which is why in this article we’ll answer a simple question; can alimony be modified? In Florida, under Florida divorce and Florida Custody Laws , alimony can be modified if there has been a substantial, material, and unforeseeable change in the circumstances that were taken into consideration by the judge when the amount and type of the alimony were originally set. If modified, the alimony can either increase, decrease, or even be terminated...