My Spouse Refuses to Get a Divorce: What Do I Do?


Divorce isn’t always a two-way street. One person may want a divorce while the other does not. It’s important not to feel discouraged if you prefer to dissolve a marriage and your spouse doesn’t feel the same way. While it may feel strange and uncomfortable to navigate the situation, a contested divorce attorney in Orlando will help you through the process.


It is common to feel isolated during a divorce, but this is especially true when your spouse refuses to separate. It is important to know that you’re not the only one experiencing this issue — we’re a divorce attorney in Orlando Florida, who have seen this time and time again.


Here’s the good news: you can get a divorce without your spouse’s approval. You’ll need to hire a family law trial attorney in Orlando or wherever you’re located. You and your divorce attorney will work together to fill out a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage before filing it with the court. This process does not involve your spouse at all.


After the necessary paperwork is filed, your spouse will be served with paperwork that officially notifies them that you’ve filed for divorce with the court. Your spouse will have the opportunity to file a response with the court. Their response would be the beginning of regular divorce proceedings. You will need to figure out different aspects of divorce like the division of assets, debt, alimony, etc.


Your spouse will have 30 days to respond to the petition for divorce. Some spouses are under the pretense that if they ignore the paperwork and don’t sign it, a divorce can’t become final. This impression is absolutely not accurate! In other instances, a spouse may purposefully try to stall the divorce for emotional reasons.


If your spouse refuses to respond in an attempt to avoid divorce — the court can enter a ‘default’ against them. You’re likely to be granted a default divorce in your favor, especially if you’re under the guidance of an experienced family law attorney in Orlando Florida, it certainly does not take two to tango when it comes to filing for divorce. There’s no need to feel despondent if your spouse refuses to sign the papers. The divorce will proceed accordingly.





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