What is a Collaborative Divorce in Florida?

Spouses can participate in a collaborative divorce in Florida. Jacobs Law Firm of Orlando and Clermont FL will explain what a collaborative divorce Orlando is and you may see if it’s right for you. A collaborative divorce Orlando is when a couple decides to end their marriage and stay out of the court for a majority of their case. Spouses may have disagreements but choose to work together to reach a settlement. In Florida, collaborative and uncontested divorces are similar but there are significant differences.


In a collaborative divorce, each spouse needs to retain a separate attorney. Although both sides agree to avoid litigation, lawyers are involved. All parties sign a Florida Collaborative Law Participation Agreement. This document states a divorce settlement will be reached without going to court. The couple and their lawyers have several team meetings with all involved collaborative professionals to agree on the final terms.


Collaborative divorces are relatively new to Florida. Jacobs Law Firm has experience in these types of marital settlement processes. We work on behalf of our clients to avoid divorce litigation. Our attorney helps you resolve any disputes with your partner to reach a fair agreement. A collaborative divorce can save you money and time because you don’t have to go to court. The process also reduces stress and pressure because there is an entire team assembled for you. You also take a risk when allowing a judge to rule on a contested divorce. Even though the rulings are intended to be fair by state law, you may lose more than you had expected.


Jacobs Law Firm Orlando, FL, works on getting you a fair divorce settlement. For partners without children, our attorneys negotiate splitting property and assets and debts. We also have experience if you’re seeking alimony or spousal support. Couples with kids can also file for a collaborative divorce. Our family lawyers help reach an agreement on Orlando child custody attorney, support, and visitation. Hiring a collaborative divorce attorney helps keep things private, as well. There isn’t a public and bitter court battle and fewer documents are filed with the court when the process is ended successfully.


Sometimes, there’s a breakdown during a collaborative divorce. Our lawyers have experience in resolving disputes. We can implement different strategies in collaborative divorces if needed. In some cases, mediation and negotiation aren’t enough. Couples may reach a point where negative emotions impact the collaborative divorce process. Our family attorneys have a professional network that offers additional resources. We can call in therapists or psychologists if the divorce is taking an emotional toll on you.


The point of collaborative divorces is to avoid a nasty fight and years of confrontation. It’s human nature to feel anger, sadness, and anxiety when a marriage dissolves. Our collaborative divorce attorney Florida are here to get you through the process. The final result is reaching a fair agreement civilly.


 Visit https://bit.ly/3v63Bmi


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