Common Reasons Parents Fight About Child Custody Issues

When couples divorce and kids are involved, it can become complicated and challenging to work through. There are many reasons parents may fight about custody arrangements. Most of the time, parents can reach a mutual agreement about child custody without legal help. When couples have the assistance of a family law attorney, they tend to agree on child custody arrangements faster and without the involvement of the courts or a judge. The right divorce lawyer can help find a compromise in these types of high-conflict situations because of their negotiating experience and expertise. What makes child custody such a difficult situation? Here are some of the most common reasons custody disputes occur in the first place.

Genuine Concern for Kids’ Well-Being

Kids’ well-being is usually at the forefront of most child custody cases. However, parents often have a hard time agreeing on what is best for their children. In most cases, there isn’t a right or wrong way to settle a custody dispute. Should a child have the opportunity of moving further away to a nicer neighborhood that has better schools? Should they stay in their current neighborhood so they can graduate with friends? These matters can be harder to navigate without expert help from a child custody attorney.

Trying to Punish the Other Parent

Sometimes, the motivation for a child custody dispute is just wrong. Sadly, one parent’s motive for continually seeking child custody modification Orlando may be just pure spite. Perhaps the other parent was in the wrong, to begin with; maybe they even committed adultery. A parent may still be upset about losing half their retirement account. No matter what the reason, divorced parents often refuse to compromise in cases of child custody just to try to punish the other parent. The familiarity with the law and negotiating skills of a family law attorney can be beneficial for helping ensure kids and parents are taken care of properly.

Money or Child Support

In many cases, whichever parent gets custody also gets child support. Money is often at the root of a child custody battle. Parents who don’t have the greatest history of parenting often fight to get full custody just so they won’t have to pay child support. A family law attorney Orlando can be beneficial for sorting through the heated battle and helping find common ground. Family lawyers help protect the best interests of the children.




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